Kære kunde, din saldo er under 25 kr. Vi anbefaler at du tanker op, så du ikke løber tør for taletid. Saldo på evt. pakke kan høres på 50101234, tast 4. Lebara
Dear customer, your balance is below 25 KR. We recommend that you thought up, so you don't run out of talk time. Balance on EVS. package can be heard at 50101234, key 4. Lebara
Dear customer, your balance is below 25 kr. We recommend that you fill up, so you do not run out of time. Balance on any. package can be heard on 50101234, key 4. Lebara
dear customer, your balance is less than 25 dollars. we recommend you to refuel, so you don"t run out of time. balance of poss. package can be consulted on 50101234, press 4. lebara