Everyone said it couldn't happen, the realtor king,<br>Reality TV star, millions. Nevertheless:<br>Since January 2017, the leader of the free world,<br>45. President, Donald John Trump. Carried by the people. Selected to<br>the post in a democratic manner. That is the paradox of the ostrich<br>Elfriede Jelinek explores in the People's King. Written by Jelinek<br>provides at once all the requirements of the literature, namely:<br>a social commitment, and at the same time something quite different.<br>The rage that runs through Jelinek's lyrics speaks directly<br>to us through a voice mail retrieved from grass mythology,<br>enlightened Europeans, angry anarchists, the author himself and completely<br>ordinary people.<br>In 2004, Jelinek received the Nobel Prize in literature, and many<br>will know her icy, challenging world view from Michael<br>Hanek's film "The Pianist" from 2001, based on<br>Jelinek's novel "Spillelarerinden".<br>Often based on a concrete movement on the<br>The world political scene, Jelinek's writing is deeply embedded in<br>Our common mythological archaeology, but nonetheless insists<br>less to be a deeply personal, often irritating and<br>in all circumstances, a completely irrefutable view of:<br>power, from the outside.<br>It is with great pride that the House Theater can boast<br>This is not the first time that this is done.<br>available to a Danish audience, in Danish.<br>Welcome back!<br>Mr Jens Albinus<br>Artistic director of the House Theatre<br>