the first group a / s is a holding company in the freight industry, led by leif toft. the company brings together the threads in a wide range of companies, including:
all tyres a / s a / s
trailer trade storage and transport service aps lts
lt finance a / s
myjeans shop gmbh
all tyres a / s distributes personvognsdæk, tyres and rims for enhanced network in denmark. read more about all tyres on or here on the side of all tyres. the company is led by lars toft, and is owned by the family toft.
trailer trade a / s deals primarily with sales of used vehicles and trailers and trucks in scandinavia but also in the baltic countries. the company was started by john marquardt in the spring of 2012, and leif toft joined the company per 1. october 2012, when it was converted into a a / s.the company is managed in the daily by john marquardt.
stock and transport service aps lts deals with in-house logistics tasks, such as storage, pick and pack, inspection and shipment, import and export of transport solutions. the company is owned equally by lars toft and soren randers, and is led by soren randers in it daily.
lt finance a / s is owned by a family toft.the company offers primarily financing vehicles for both large and small customers. other projects are also of interest.
myjeans shop gmbh deals with sales mainly of jeans for ladies and gentlemen via internet. the company was established in the spring of 2015 and is developing rapidly.