Mercurial Superfly CR7 blev den 9. CR7 signaturstøvleKampen om at være的英文翻譯

Mercurial Superfly CR7 blev den 9.

Mercurial Superfly CR7 blev den 9. CR7 signaturstøvle
Kampen om at være verdens bedste fodboldspiller har i mange år praktisk talt kun inkluderet to personer: Lionel Messi og Cristiano Ronaldo. Sidstnævnte er senest løbet med den gyldne bold og det er tydeligt at han sigter efter at genvinde titlen i år. En af de ting Cristiano kan boltre sig med i mellemtiden er alle de signaturstøvler som Nike har lavet til ære for ham. Vi har samlet dem alle lige her.

Siden den sprudlende portugiser i en alder af 18 år trådte ind på Old Trafford med sine afblegede striber og tog verden med storm, har der kun været en vej for Cristiano Ronaldo og det er opad. Som 23 årig vandt Cristiano Ronaldo Ballon d’Or for første gang og to år senere hyldede Nike så deres gudsbenådet fodboldspiller med sin første signaturstøvle: Mercurial Vapor Superfly II Safari CR7. Det blev starten på en ny æra af signaturstøvler.

Hvis du er faldet for den nye Mercurial Superfly CR7 så kan du finde den lige her.

Designet af signaturstøvler er bestemt ikke noget nyt fænomen. Men med Cristiano Ronaldo stærkt involveret i designet har Nike virkelig formået at bringe stjernens personlighed med ind i støvlen og dermed givet en langt mere reel klang til konceptet. For eksemplet var designet af Safari CR7 udviklet på meget specifikke specifikationer af Cristiano selv.

Nike og Cristiano Ronaldo syntes at være svært begejstrede for Safari konceptet, for efterfølgende to signaturstøvler CR Mercurial Vapor Superfly III og Mercurial Vapor Superfly CR7 III kom ligeledes i et design, som var inspireret af safari mønstret. Dog med et smule mere diskret og klassisk touch end den første. Budskabet var dog stadig det samme Be Fast, Be Seen!

Mercurial Superfly CR7 er den nyeste i rækken og du få fingrene i den lige her.

Cristiano Ronaldos signaturstøvler har alle det tilfælles at de har et helt særligt varemærke. På den ene eller anden måde har Nike sørget for at inkorporere en eller anden form for signatur, som har gjort støvlen CR7 genkendelig. De første tre modeller var det Safari-designet, i Mercurial Vapor VIII og en enkelt gang i Mercurial Vapor IX var det Love to win, Hate to lose logoet, det store CR7 logo har udgjort kendetegnet i to Mercurial IX modeller, samt den seneste Superfly, mens den populære Mercurial Vapor IX Galaxy kom med et helt unikt galaksi design.

Hele ni gange har Nike leveret en CR7 signaturstøvle. Og det er et uomtvisteligt bevis på at Cristiano Ronaldo er blandt fodboldens absolut største ikoner nogensinde. Lige nu er han aktuel med sine seneste Mercurial Superfly CR7, som fik en storslået lancering op til El Clasico med en lille animeret video. Designet af støvlen fik bestemt heller ikke for lidt, hvor overdelen havde fået glimmer på, så de skinner ligesom ejermanden selv. Og Cristiano fik da også fornøjelsen af at betale tilbage med en scoring i den overbevisende 3-1 sejr over Barcelona.

Cristiano Ronaldo er en af tidens største sportsatleter og Nike har sjældent haft svært ved at finde grunde til at hylde deres portugisiske fodboldidol. Hvad enten det har været for hans imponerende præstationer gennem en sæson, en hyldest til hans Ballon d’Or pris eller bare fordi at han en beundringsværdig og imponerende fodboldspiller, så har Nike været i stand til at levere en fodboldstøvle lige præcis til lejligheden.

Cristiano Ronaldo har i en alder af 29 år vundet en lang rækker priser både personligt og på holdbasis, men vi er overbeviste om at CR7 langt fra er færdig her. Han er en mand som er drevet af sejrens sødme og han vil jagte den til han kan ikke kan stå op længere. Ni signaturstøvler er utvivlsomt også imponerende, men spørger vi Cristiano er vi sikre på at han vil sige at det ikke er sidste. For hvis der noget portugiseren elsker, så er det at være i rampelyset. Konklusionen er at vi slet ikke kan vente med at se, hvad fremtiden i selskab med Cristiano gemmer på.

Hvis du er faldet for den nye Mercurial Superfly CR7 så kan du finde den lige her.


Med den nyeste Mercurial Superfly CR7 kan Cristiano Ronaldo nu bryste sig af hele ni signaturstøvler i samlingen. Vi har samlet dem allesammen i denne nyhed og nu kunne vi godt tænke os at høre din mening: Hvilken af dem er egentlig fedest?
原始語言: 丹麥文
目標語言: 英文
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Mercurial Superfly CR7 was the 9. CR7 signature bootThe battle to be the world's best soccer player has for many years practically only included two persons: Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. The latter's last race with the Golden Ball and it is clear that he aims to reclaim the title this year. One of the things Cristiano can romp with in the meantime, all the signature boots like Nike has created in honor of him. We have collected them all right here.Since the ebullient Portuguese citizen at the age of 18 years entered at Old Trafford with his bleached stripes and took the world by storm, there has only been one way for Cristiano Ronaldo and it is upwards. As a 23 year old Cristiano Ronaldo won the Ballon d'Or for the first time, and two years later paid tribute to Nike so their God pardoned footballer with his first signature boot: Mercurial Vapor Superfly II Safari CR7. This was the beginning of a new era of signature boots.If you have fallen for the new Mercurial Superfly CR7 so you can find it right here.Designed by signature boots is certainly not a new phenomenon. But with Cristiano Ronaldo heavily involved in the design has Nike really managed to bring the star's personality into the boot and thus provided a far more real sounding to the concept. For example was designed by Safari CR7 developed on very specific specifications of Cristiano itself.Nike and Cristiano Ronaldo seemed to be hard liking the Safari concept, for subsequent two CR Mercurial Vapor Superfly III signature boots and Mercurial Vapor Superfly CR7 III also came in a design that was inspired by watching the pattern. However, with a bit more discrete and classical touch than the first. The message was still the same Be Fixed, Be Seen!Mercurial Superfly CR7 is the latest in a series and you get your fingers in the right here.Cristiano Ronaldo's signature boots have all in common that they have a very special trademark. In one way or another have Nike made sure to incorporate some form of signature, which has made the boot CR7 recognizable. The first three models was the Safari-designed, in Mercurial Vapor VIII and a single time in the Mercurial Vapor IX it was Love to win, Hate to lose the logo, the large CR7 logo has been featured in two Mercurial IX models, as well as the latest Superfly, while the popular Mercurial Vapor IX Galaxy came with a totally unique galaksi design.The whole nine times have Nike delivered a CR7 signature boots. And this is an indisputable proof that Cristiano Ronaldo is one of football's biggest icons ever. Right now he is current with its latest Mercurial Superfly CR7, which got a magnificent launch up to El Clasico with a little animated video. The design of the boot was certainly not too little, where the bodice had gotten MICA on, so they shine like ejermanden even. And Cristiano got also the pleasure of paying back with a scoring in the convincing 3-1 victory over Barcelona.Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the greatest sports athletes and Nike have rarely had a hard time finding reasons to celebrate their Portuguese football idol. Whether it has been for his impressive performances through a season, a tribute to his Ballon d'Or award or just because he is an admirable and impressive football player, then Nike has been able to deliver a football boot just for the occasion.Cristiano Ronaldo has at the age of 29 years won a long rows prices both personally and at the team base, but we are convinced that CR7 is far from finished here. He is a man driven by Victor's sweetness and he will chase it to he can can't stand up anymore. Nine signature boots are undoubtedly impressive, but we ask Cristiano, we are sure that he will say that it is not the last. Because if there's something circumnavigate the love, then it is to be in the limelight. The conclusion is that we cannot wait to see what the future in the company of Cristiano hides.If you have fallen for the new Mercurial Superfly CR7 so you can find it right here.ALT_TAGWith the latest Mercurial Superfly CR7 Cristiano Ronaldo can now boast entire nine signature boots in the collection. We have collected them all in this news and now we would like to hear your opinion: which of them is really the post navigation?
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Mercurial Superfly CR7 was the 9. CR7 signaturstøvle
the fight to be the world's best footballer has for many years virtually only included two people: Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. The latter is not later than during the golden ball and it is clear that he aims to regain the title in years.One of the things Cristiano can play with in the meantime, all the signaturstøvler as Nike have made in honor of him. We have brought together all of them right here.

since the bubbly Portuguese at the age of 18 came at Old Trafford with its bleached stripes and took the world by storm, there have only been a way for Cristiano Ronaldo and that is up.As 23 year-old won Cristiano Ronaldo Ballon d'Or for the first time, and two years later hailed Nike as their gudsbenådet footballer with its first signaturstøvle: mercurial Vapor Superfly II Safari CR7. It was the start of a new era of signaturstøvler.

if you have fallen for the new mercurial Superfly CR7 so that you can find the right here.

Designed by signaturstøvler is certainly not a new phenomenon. But with Cristiano Ronaldo very much involved in design, Nike really managed to bring asterisk means personality into the boot and have thus provided a much more realistic tone to the concept. For example were designed by Safari CR7 developed on very specific specifications of Cristiano even.

Nike and Cristiano Ronaldo seemed to be difficult for enthusiastic Safari concept, the following two signaturstøvler CR mercurial Vapor Superfly III and mercurial Vapor Superfly CR7 III was also in a design, which was inspired by safari pattern. However, with a little more discreet and classic touch than the first. The message was still the same be fixed, Be Seen!

Mercurial Superfly CR7 is the latest in the series and you get your hands on the right here.

Cristiano Ronaldo signaturstøvler all have the common denominator that they have a very particular trademark. On the one way or another, Nike made sure to incorporate one or other form of signature, which has done boot CR7 recognizable. The first three models was the Safari-designed,In mercurial Vapor VIII and a single walk in mercurial Vapor IX was the Laws two win, I Hate two, shall carry out the logo, the large CR7 logo has been characterized in two mercurial IX models, as well as the recent Superfly, while the popular mercurial Vapor IX Galaxy came up with a completely unique galaksi design.

all nine times has Nike delivered a CR7 signaturstøvle.And it is an indisputable proof that Cristiano Ronaldo is one of football's biggest icons ever. Just now he is current with its latest mercurial Superfly CR7, which received a magnificent launch up to El Clasico with a small animated video. Designed by boot was certainly not for a bit, where the canopy had been mica, on, so that the rails like ejermanden itself.And Cristiano was also pleased to pay back with a scoring of the convincing 3-1 victory over Barcelona.

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the greatest sportsatleter and Nike have rarely had trouble finding reasons to pay tribute to their Portuguese fodboldidol. Whether it has been for his impressive performance through a season,A tribute to his Ballon d'Or price or just because he an admirable and impressive footballer, then Nike has been able to provide a fodboldstøvle exactly to your apartment.

Cristiano Ronaldo has at the age of 29 years has won a long rows prices both personally and on holdbasis, but we are convinced that CR7 is far from complete.He is a man who is driven by the thrill of victory and he will chase it to he can not stand up any longer. 9 Signaturstøvler is undoubtedly impressive too, but we would ask Cristiano we are sure that he is going to say that this is not the last. For if there is one: Mr love, it is to be in the limelight. The conclusion is that we do not wait to see,As for the future in the company of Cristiano save on.

if you have fallen for the new mercurial Superfly CR7 so that you can find the right here.


with the latest mercurial Superfly Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 can now boasts nine signaturstøvler in this collection. We have brought together all of them in the news and we would now like to hear your opinion: which of them is actually s coin-ops?
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