Hvilken Nike Mercurial CR7 skal du have?Så kom dagen endelig. Dagen, h的英文翻譯

Hvilken Nike Mercurial CR7 skal du

Hvilken Nike Mercurial CR7 skal du have?
Så kom dagen endelig. Dagen, hvor hele den nye Mercurial CR7 kollektion landede på vores lager. Det betyder at du nu kan få fingre i et væld af fodboldstøvler med forskellige knopsystemer i alle slags prisklasser. Og ja, de skinner allesammen helt som Cristiano selv på en fodboldbane.

Med den nye Mercurial CR7 kollektion, var Nikes ambition at fremhæve den elegante og glitrende del af Cristiano Ronaldos personlighed både på og udenfor banen. Det blev hurtigt klart for Nikes designere at den bedste måde at visualisere det på var ved at få fodboldstøvlen til at skinne mest muligt - og hvordan gør man det? Ved at putte glimmer på overdelen selvfølgelig.

Find lige præcis den Nike Mercurial du ønsker dig lige her - fra 449,-

Tanken blev så at tage det klassiske og elegante sorte look og tage det til nye højder. Præcis som Cristiano Ronaldo gør det, hver gang han træder ind på en fodboldbane. Budskabet bliver først og fremmest leveret gennem Nikes Mercurial Superfly, som er den fodboldstøvle Cristiano selv optræder i. Nike har dog ikke valgt at begrænse sig til Superfly. Således har de også påført det unikke design til resten af Mercurial kollektionen, som inkluderer Vapor, Veloce, Victory og Vortex.

Mercurial Superfly er Nikes ultimative speedstøvle. Modellen er absolut stadig under kategorien letvægtsstøvle, men Nike har faktisk fundet ud af, at en lav vægt ikke udelukkende er lig med fart. Derfor har de tilladet sig at smide et par gram oveni, for at tilføre andre elementer til fodboldstøvlen, som skal bidrage til, hvad Nike fremlægger som fodboldstøvlen til explosive speed.

Find lige præcis den Nike Mercurial du ønsker dig lige her - fra 449,-

Mercurial Vapor er den 10. i rækken og af ikoniske Vapors og i denne model har Nike skabt en af de mest optimale Vapors. Med samme vægt som sine forgængere på 185 gram yder denne Mercurial Vapor den velkendte letvægtsfølelse samtidig med at den nye Micro Touch og Micro Speed Control tekstur på overdelen leverer den optimale boldføling selv i høj fart.

De øvrige kategorier i Mercurial kollektionen er Nikes måde at imødekomme en så stor gruppes behov som muligt. De er naturligvis klar over at alle ikke nødvendigvis er interesserede i at betale alt for store summer for et par fodboldstøvler. Derfor har de forsøgt at indsamle de bedste materialer inden for hver prisklasse for at tilbyde CR7 konceptet til alle.

Veloce er modellen som kommer lige efter Vapor, der jo som bekendt er placeret øverst på stigen sammen med Superfly. Veloce er lavet på samme læst som Vapor, men til forskel fra Vapor er Veloce udviklet med mikrofiber materialet GT Soft, som er et lidt billigere materiale, men absolut konkurrencedygtigt i sin prisklasse.

Find lige præcis den Nike Mercurial du ønsker dig lige her - fra 449,-

Det samme er Victory, som er næste kategori i rækken. Denne model er udviklet i Nikes Trophy Touch syntetiske materiale. Det er med til at bevare overdelens bløde og komfortable fornemmelse. Victory er ligesom Veloce ikke lavet på de innovative materialer, som vi kender dem fra Vapor og Superfly, men vil man gerne gå lidt kompromis med prisen for at få det elegante CR7 design, så er Victory absolut et køb værd.

Vortex er den sidste model i Mercurial kollektionen og repræsenterer et sidste prisbevidst alternativ. Også denne model er lavet i et syntetisk materiale som den resterende kollektion og endnu engang har Nike fundet det mest præstationsdygtige materiale til prisen. På den måde kan du, hvad enten du skal ud på græs, grus eller indendørs stadig være prisbevidst omkring dit valg og stadig rocke CR7 designet.

Find lige præcis den Nike Mercurial du ønsker dig lige her - fra 449,-

De nye Mercurial CR7 fodboldstøvler er netop landet på lageret i dag og du kan nu gå helt amok med at finde lige præcis den model du gerne vil have. Hvad synes du om CR7 designet? Er det årets fedeste?
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
The Nike Mercurial CR7 should you have?Then came the day, finally. Day, where all the new Mercurial CR7 collection landed on our inventory. This means that you can now get their hands on a wealth of football boots with different knob systems in all sorts of price ranges. And Yes, the rails are all quite like Cristiano even on a football field.With the new Mercurial CR7 collection, Nike's ambition was to emphasize the elegant and glittering part of Cristiano Ronaldo's personality both on and off the pitch. It quickly became clear to Nike's designers that the best way to visualize it on was about to get football boot to shine as much as possible-and how do you do it? By putting tinsel on the bodice of course.Find exactly the Nike Mercurial you want you right here-from 449,-The idea was then to take the classic and stylish black look and take it to new heights. Exactly like Cristiano Ronaldo does it every time he enters on a football field. The message will be delivered primarily through Nike's Mercurial Superfly, which is the football boot Cristiano even appearing i. Nike, however, has not opted to confine itself to Superfly. Thus, they also suffered by the unique design for the rest of the collection, which includes the Mercurial Vapor, Veloce, Victory and Vortex.Mercurial Superfly, Nike's ultimate speed boot. The model is definitely still under the category of lightweight boot, but Nike has actually figured out that a low weight not only equals speed. Therefore, they have permitted himself to throw a few grams in addition, in order to add other items to the football boot, which must contribute to what Nike is presenting as a football boot for explosive speed.Find exactly the Nike Mercurial you want you right here-from 449,-Mercurial Vapor is the 10. in the row and of iconic Vapors and in this model have Nike created one of the most optimal Vapors. With the same weight as its predecessors at 185 grams provides this Mercurial Vapor the well-known lightweight feeling while at the same time the new Micro Touch and Micro Speed Control texture on the bodice provides the optimal ball feel even at high speed.The other categories in the Mercurial collection is Nike's way to accommodate such a large group needs as possible. They are of course aware that all is not necessarily interested in paying anything for large sums of money for a pair of football boots. Therefore, they have tried to collect the best materials within each price range to offer CR7 concept to all.Veloce is the model which comes right after the Vapor, which as we know is placed at the top of the ladder with Superfly. Veloce is created on the same read as Vapor, but unlike the Vapor is Veloce developed with microfiber material GT Soft, which is a slightly less expensive material, but definitely competitive in its price range.Find exactly the Nike Mercurial you want you right here-from 449,-The same goes for the Victory, which is the next category in the row. This model has been developed in Nike's Trophy Touch synthetic material. It helps to preserve the upper soft and comfortable feeling. Victory is not created on the Veloce like innovative materials, as we know them from the Vapor and Superfly, but will you like to go a little compromise with the price of getting the elegant CR7 design, then Victory is definitely a purchase worthwhile.Vortex is the last model in the Mercurial collection and represents a last price conscious alternative. Also this model is made of a synthetic material which the remaining collection and once again have Nike found it most skilled performance material for the price. On the way you can, whether you are going out on grass, gravel or indoor still be price conscious about your choices and still rock the CR7 designed.Find exactly the Nike Mercurial you want you right here-from 449,-The new Mercurial CR7 football boots are just landed in store today and you can now go completely crazy with finding exactly the model you'd want. What do you think about CR7 designed? It is the year's coolest?
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
The Nike mercurial CR7 you must have?
then finally came a day. Day, where all the new mercurial CR7 collection landed at our warehouse. This means that you can now get your hands on a host of football boots with different knopsystemer in all kinds of price ranges. And yes, the rails are all completely Cristiano even on a football pitch.

with the new mercurial CR7 collection,Nike's ambition was to highlight the elegant and shimmering part of Cristiano Ronaldo personality both on and off the pitch. It was soon clear to Nike's designers to the best way to visualize it was to get fodboldstøvlen to rail as possible - and how do you do that? To make them by mica on the canopy of course.

Find exactly the Nike mercurial you want you right here - from 449, -

The idea was to take the classic and elegant black look and take it to new heights. Just like Cristiano Ronaldo makes it each time he enters on a football pitch. The message is first and foremost, delivered through Nike's mercurial Superfly, which is the fodboldstøvle Cristiano even appear in.However, Nike has chosen not to limit themselves to Superfly. So they also have caused the unique design to the rest of mercurial collection, which includes Vapor, Veloce, Victory and Vortex.

mercurial Superfly is Nike's ultimate speedstøvle. The model is still under the category letvægtsstøvle, but Nike has in fact found out that a low weight is not only equal to speed.For this reason, they have permitted themselves to throw out a few grams on top, in order to bring other items to fodboldstøvlen, which should contribute to what Nike will submit, as fodboldstøvlen to explosive speed.

Find exactly the Nike mercurial you want you right here - from 449, -

mercurial Vapor is the 10th of the row and the iconic Vapors and in this model has Nike created one of the most optimum vapors.With the same weight as its predecessors at 185 grams, this mercurial Vapor the familiar letvægtsfølelse while the new Micro Touch and Micro Speed Control texture on the canopy provides the optimal boldføling even in high speed.

the other categories in mercurial collection, Nike's way of responding to such a large group's needs as possible.You are of course aware that all is not necessarily interested in the pay too large sums for a pair of football boots. For this reason, they have tried to collect the best materials within each price range to offer CR7 concept to all.

Veloce model is coming just after Vapor, which as you know is located at the top of the ladder with Superfly.Veloce is made at the same read as Vapor, but the difference from Vapor Veloce is designed with soft microfiber material GT, which is a little bit cheaper material, but very competitive in its price range.

Find exactly the Nike mercurial you want you right here - from 449, -

the same Victory, which is the next category in the row.This model has been developed in Nike's Trophy Touch synthetic material. It is to maintain the soft and comfortable feel. Victory is like Veloce not made on the innovative materials, as we know them from Vapor and Superfly, but you'd like to go a little compromise with price to get the elegant CR7 design, so that is definitely a Victory worth buying.

Vortex is the last model in mercurial collection and represents a last conscious alternative. Also this model is made of a synthetic material as the remaining collection and once again, Nike found the most efficient material for the price. In this way you can, whether you are out on the grass,Gravel or indoor still be conscious of your choice and still rock out CR7 designed.

Find exactly the Nike mercurial you want you right here - from 449, -

the new mercurial CR7 football boots are just the country in the warehouse today and now you can go crazy with to find exactly the model you want. What do you think of CR7 design? It is this year's hottest?
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