Træn som Cristiano Ronaldo og Nike til vinter
Hvis der er noget vi er vi er blevet klar over gennem de seneste år, så er det at Cristiano Ronaldo ikke blot er kommet til succes gennem et gudsbenådet talent. Det portugisiske fodboldikon stiller sig nemlig aldrig tilfreds med status quo. Træningen er hans middel til altid at blive bedre. Så hvem er bedre at lave en træningskollektion på end CR7 selv?
Nike har en lang liste af verdens bedste fodboldspillere i deres familie. Heriblandt er også verdens bedste fodboldspiller Cristiano Ronaldo. Og mens alle utvivlsomt løber rundt med et talent, som stikker ud over normalen, så er det helt sikkert at ingen af dem er kommet sovende til succes. Det ved Nike om nogen og derfor gør de også deres ypperste til at skabe de bedste rammer for at deres atleter kan yde deres optimalt bedste.
Er du klar på at træne som Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 træningskollektionen her
Denne nye træningskollektion bygger videre på sommerens succesfulde kollektion, som indeholdt en række præstationsoptimerende teknologier. Udover, naturligvis, at være lavet med Dri-FIT så er alle T-Shirts lavet med et særligt mesh materiale, som sikrer optimal åndbarhed. De to T-Shirts er samtidig lavet med forskellige cuts omkring armene, for at give det mest præcise og personlige fit.
Er du klar på at træne som Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 træningskollektionen her
Cristiano er en mand, som nærmest er afhængig af træning. Han er den første og sidste der forlader træningsbanen og han er i bund og grund et perfekt bevis på at hård træning virkelig betaler sig i sidste ende. Derfor er Nike helt sikkert også ret tilfredse med at kunne bruge Cristiano Ronaldo som frontmand for det nye design af træningskollektionen, som selvfølgelig også skulle have sig en tur med CR7 designet.
Med denne kollektion følger alt fra Midlayer Select Ignite, GPX FZ II POLY til Select Flash og CPF Graphic CR7, over til Prestige CR7 bolden og selvfølgelig også de uundgåelige glitrende Mercurial Superfly og Vapor CR7. Hele kollektionen bærer de blå og sorte farver, som har været det gennemgående tema for denne CR7 kollektion. Med designet har Nike forsøgt at omfavne den ekstravagante og gennemskinnende side af Cristiano Ronaldo, som både kommet til udtryk på og udenfor banen.
Er du klar på at træne som Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 træningskollektionen her
Med den nye CR7 kollektion kan du gå i Beast mode ligesom Cristiano Ronaldo hen over vinteren. Så vil du helt sikkert komme ud til foråret i dit livs form - ligesom Cristiano Ronaldo. Hvad fra kollektionen mangler du i sportstasken?
Train like Cristiano Ronaldo and Nike for winterIf there is anything we are we have become aware in recent years, it is that Cristiano Ronaldo is not merely come to success through a God pardoned talent. The Portuguese football icon stand for never satisfied with the status quo. The training is his means to always be better. So who better to make a training collection on than CR7 itself?Nike has a long list of the world's best footballers in their family. Among them is also the world's best soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo. And while all undoubtedly runs around with a talent that sticks out above normal, so it's definitely that none of them has been sleeping for success. It by Nike on someone and that is why they are also their utmost to create the best framework to their athletes can make their optimum best.Are you ready to train as Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 training collection hereThis new training collection builds on this summer's successful collection, which contained a number of performance optimization technologies. In addition, of course, to be made with Dri-FIT all t-shirts made with a special mesh material, which ensures optimal breathability. The two t-shirts are made with different cuts around his arms, in order to provide the most accurate and personal fit.Are you ready to train as Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 training collection hereCristiano is a man who almost is dependent on training. He is the first and the last leaving training course and he is essentially a perfect proof that hard training really pays off in the end. That is why Nike certainly also rather pleased with being able to use Cristiano Ronaldo as the front man for the new design of training collection, which of course also had to have a trip with CR7 designed.With this collection included everything from Midlayer Select Ignite, GPX FZ II POLY to Select Flash and CPF Graphic CR7, over to the ball and of course also the Prestige CR7 inevitable glittering Mercurial Superfly and Vapor CR7. Entire collection bears the blue and black colors, as has been the recurring theme of this CR7 collection. With the design has Nike tried to embrace the extravagant and the shiny side of Cristiano Ronaldo, who both expressed on and off the pitch.Are you ready to train as Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 training collection hereALT_TAGWith the new CR7 collection you can go in Beast mode like Cristiano Ronaldo over the winter. Then you will certainly come out in the spring in your way of life-like Cristiano Ronaldo. What you are missing from the collection in the sports bag?

Workout as Cristiano Ronaldo and Nike to winter
if there is anything we are we have been aware of in the last few years, so it is that Cristiano Ronaldo is not just come to success through a gudsbenådet talent. The Portuguese fodboldikon is never satisfied with the status quo. Workout is his means to always be better.So who is better to make a træningskollektion than CR7 own?
Nike have a long list of the world's best footballers in their family. Among them are also the world's best footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. And while all undoubtedly is running around with a talent that sticks out above normal, it is certainly that none of them have been dormant for success.The Nike on any and therefore do their utmost to create the best possible framework to their athletes to make their optimal best.
Are you ready to work out which Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 træningskollektionen here
this new træningskollektion builds on this summer's successful collection, which contained a number of præstationsoptimerende technologies. In addition, of course,To be made with Dri-FIT all T-shirts made with a special mesh material that ensures optimal breathability. The two T-shirts are also made with different cuts around the arms, to provide the most accurate and personal fit.
Are you ready to work out which Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 træningskollektionen here
Cristiano is a man, which are dependent on training.He is the first and last leaving training pitch and he is essentially a perfect proof of that hard training really pays off in the end of it. That is why Nike would certainly also very happy to be able to use Cristiano Ronaldo as frontmand for the new design of træningskollektionen, which of course also should have a trip with the CR7 designed.
With this collection follows everything from Midlayer Select Ignite, GPX FZ II POLY to Select Flash and CPF Graphic CR7, CR7 to the prestige of the ball and of course the inevitable glittering mercurial Vapor Superfly and CR7. The complete collection bear the blue and black colors, as has been the unifying theme of this CR7 collection.With design, Nike tried to embrace the extravagant gennemskinnende side of Cristiano Ronaldo, as both expressed at and outside the course.
Are you ready to work out which Cristiano Ronaldo? Find CR7 træningskollektionen here
with the new CR7 collection you can go into Beast mode as well as Cristiano Ronaldo over in winter.Then you will surely come out in the spring in your life form - just like Cristiano Ronaldo. What you will be missing from the collection of sport casing?