You've got a grant for your children's/child's day-care space with effect from 01.01.2015. When the subsidy is pulled from, you must pay 423,54 KR. per month. On the back of this letter, you can see how the subsidy is calculated. Have you already paid a higher amount in some of the months you have received grants to, you can after the 16.4.2015 contact Collection for further clarification. The grant is calculated on the basis of the information on the back. If these information is not correct, you must contact us as soon as possible. Happens later changes to your or your spouse's/assemble verse revenue or family relationships, must prepare a new digital application through If you need help, you can get help on Sophie Libraries. You will need to bring your Easy id. If you do not meet your/your duty and your income is higher can happen adjustment retroactively. You can read more about the rules on the municipality's website at