JBS-1030-white-image.jpgJBS Textile Group A/S er Danmarks største og førende producent af undertøj. Vi er en familieejet og -drevet virksomhed, som fastholder vores førerposition ved at fokusere på fire kerneværdier: komfort, kvalitet, innovation og individualitet. JBS Textile Group A/S er i dag en international virksomhed med flere end 300 medarbejdere. Vores produkter sælges i en lang række lande med Nordeuropa som vores primære marked.
Navnet JBS står i øvrigt for Jens Bjerg Sørensen. Han var manden, der i 1939 stiftede virksomheden - og siden førte den frem til positionen som Danmarks førende og mest kendte undertøjsmærke. Jens Bjerg Sørensen var på mange måder forud for sin tid og havde en ualmindelig veludviklet sans for markedsføring og sponsorering. Hvem husker fx ikke JBS fra de berømte 6-dages løb i Herning op igennem 70'erne, mange legendariske boksekampe, topfodbold i Ikast og ikke mindst FC Midtjylland og Herning Blue Fox. Et bevidst arbejde med markedsføring og sponsorater gennem tiden, der i 2014 udmøntede sig med Danmarks største markedsføringspris, i form af HBH Fondens markedsføringspris. Læs mere om begrundelsen her.
Et af JBS's mest markante kendetegn har altid været en udpræget fornemmelse for, hvad forbrugerne ønsker - og ofte før de selv ved, at de ønsker det. I hver eneste kollektion er der nyheder, der ligger helt forrest i feltet med hensyn til materialer, design og komfort. Samtidig er en række af vores styles med tiden blevet vaskeægte klassikere, som til stadighed tiltaler et bredt publikum. Vidste du for eksempel, at vores 300-serie under "Original" produktlinjen er fuldkommen identisk med den allerførste serie, Jens Bjerg Sørensen sendte på markedet i 1939?
Jens Bjerg Sørensen demonstrerede gennem årene, at han ikke alene havde tæft for at udvikle, producere, markedsføre og sælge undertøj; han formåede også at skabe en ganske særlig ånd i virksomheden. En unik kultur, der betyder, at JBS Textile Group A/S igen og igen kan fejre jubilæer blandt medarbejderne.
ABOUT JBSJBS-1030-white-image. jpgJBS Textile Group a/s is Denmark's largest and leading manufacturer of underwear. We are a family owned and operated company that maintains our leading position by focusing on four core values: comfort, quality, innovation and individuality. JBS Textile Group a/s is today an international company with more than 300 employees. Our products are sold in a wide range of countries in Northern Europe as our primary market.The name JBS stand for Jens Bjerg Sørensen, incidentally. He was the man who in 1939 founded the company and since led the forward to position as Denmark's leading and best-known underwear brand. Jens Bjerg Sorensen was in many ways ahead of its time and had an unusually well-developed sense of marketing and sponsorship. Who remembers fx not JBS from the famous 6-day race in Herning up through the ' 70s, many legendary boxing matches, topfodbold in Ikast and not least FC Midtjylland and Herning Blue Fox. A conscious work with marketing and sponsorships through time, which resulted in 2014 with Denmark's largest marketing award, in the form of the HBH Marketing Award Fund. Read more about the reasons here.TRADITION AND INNOVATIONOne of JBS's most significant characteristics has always been a strong feeling for what consumers want-and often before they even know they want it. In every single collection, there is news that lies completely in the front of the field with regard to materials, design and comfort. At the same time, a number of our styles over time become genuine classics, which constantly appeals to a wide audience. Did you know for example that our 300-series under the "Original" product line is completely identical with the very first series Jens Bjerg S sent to the market in 1939?Jens Bjerg S demonstrated over the years that he not only had the skill to develop, produce, market and sell underwear; He also managed to create a very special spirit in the company. A unique culture, which means that JBS Textile Group a/s again and again can celebrate anniversaries among employees.

on jbsjbs-1030-white-image.jpgjbs textile group a / s is denmark"s largest and leading manufacturer of underwear. we are a family owned and operated company which maintain our leadership by focusing on four core values: comfort, quality, innovation and individuality. jbs textile group a / s is today an international company with more than 300 employees. our products are sold in many countries in northern europe as our primary market.the name jbs moreover for jens mountain sorensen. he was the man who founded the company in 1939 and subsequently led the forward to the position as the leading and most famous undertøjsmærke. jens mountain center was in many ways ahead of its time and had an extremely well-developed sense of marketing and sponsorship. who remember, for example, not jbs from the famous 6 day race in herning up through the 1970s, many legendary backroom stuff, topfodbold in deal and, not least, fc midtjylland and herning blue fox. a conscious work with marketing and sponsorship through time, in 2014, resulted in the largest markedsføringspris, in the form of hbh fund markedsføringspris. read more about the reasons here.tradition and innovationone of jbs"s most notable characteristics has always been a strong sense of what consumers want and often before they even know they want it. in every collection, there is news that lies entirely in the front of the field with regard to materials, design and comfort. at the same time, a number of our styles with time become bona fide classics, always appeals to a wide audience. did you know for example that our 300 series under the "original" line is completely identical to the first series, jens mountain fudge sent on the market in 1939.jens mountain fudge marched through the years that he not only had the know-how to develop, produce, market and sell underwear; he managed to create a very special spirit in the company. a unique culture, which means that jbs textile group a / s, again and again to celebrate anniversaries among employees.