Top 15 over de fedeste fodboldstøvler i 2014Mens vi er gået ind i den 的英文翻譯

Top 15 over de fedeste fodboldstøvl

Top 15 over de fedeste fodboldstøvler i 2014
Mens vi er gået ind i den sidste fase af nedtællingen af dette år har vi taget et kig på, hvilke fodboldstøvler som har taget vores pust i løbet af året. Der har været rigeligt at vælge imellem og derfor har vi sammensat en Top 15 over de fedeste fodboldstøvler/kollektioner fra 2014. Se listen her og vurder, hvor mange du er enig i.

15. Adidas Copa Mundial Blå/Hvid (Samba Pack)
Vi lægger ud fra bunden med 15. plads, og måske lidt overraskende finder vi her adidas’ Copa Mundial. Adidas lagde året ud med en noget modig kollektion af deres Copa Mundial i en masse sambafarver. Vi synes den sad lige i skabet og særligt denne kombination af Blå/Hvid/Orange gav os gåsehud helt ud på tåspidserne. Så en velfortjent 15. plads til en klassiker.

14. PUMA King Top98
Hele Tricks konceptet startede længe før PUMA gjorde det til et koncept i år. Vi kender alle historien om Rigobert Song der bar et par af PUMA King tilbage i 1998 - en i rød og en i gul til at matche Camerouns farver. Og den ide hyldede PUMA i år med en genudgivelse af netop denne kombination. Både på grund af nostalgien men også fordi det bare ser mega svedigt ud, tager vi den med på vores 14. plads.

13. Adidas 11Pro Sort/Orange
Vi må indrømme at 11Pro ikke har stået særlig højt på vores liste i den seneste tid, men med den nyeste generation har adidas kastet deres ambassadør for elegance helt ind blandt toppen af poppen. Med det lækre k-læder tilbage i spil og et elegant/klassisk design ser 11Pro ud til at vende tilbage til de gamle dyder og vi er vilde med det. Velkommen tilbage i toppen 11Pro.

12. Adidas Primeknit Samba
Da adidas præsenterede en helt ny innovation ved navn Primeknit Samba var der lagt op til noget kæmpestort. Men med en kombination af en stærkt limiteret model og en funktionalitet der ikke helt spillede endnu, fik Primeknit Samba ikke helt det forventede afsæt. Vi klemmer den dog ind på en 12. plads da vi er en sucker for designet og ikke mindst fordi at adidas skal have point for det innovative forsøg, som helt sikkert nok skal komme stærkt igen i 2015.

11. Nike Shine Through Collection
Nikes bidrag af fodboldstøvler i år har været intet mindre end imponerende og deres sidste silo i år blev på sin vis en repræsentant af det. Shine Through kollektionen blev præsenteret for at motivere alle fodboldspillere til at skinne igennem på banen. Designet var fedt, men når alt skal tages i betragtning så kom Nike trods alt også med en lignende kollektion sidste december med deres Reflective Pack. Så manglen på originalitet kan ikke løfte denne kollektion højere end en 11. plads.

10. Nike Black Pack
Ligesom konceptet omkring Shine Through var en genganger fra sidste år, så var Nikes Black Pack det også. Det fede ved disse to kollektioner er at hverken sort eller hvid nogensinde går af mode. Så de vil være en sikker vinder hver gang. Og dette års Black Pack særligt med Magista Obra og Mercurial Superfly i hovedrollerne gav os kriller i maven. Derfor lister Black sig ind på vores Top 10.

9. PUMA Tricks (World Cup)
Kampen om at skille sig ud ved VM var utrolig hård og der skulle noget ekstraordinært til, for at stjæle lidt af rampelyset. PUMA har intet problem med at tage chancer og deres Tricks design var sådan en af slagens. Som kollektion har PUMA’s Tricks virkelig sat sig igennem og det har absolut leveret varen hver gang. Vi glæder os til at se, hvad 2015 gemmer på af Tricks designs..

8. Adidas f50 Adizero Messi Blaugrana
Messi har fået et væld af signaturstøvler i år, men vi må indrømme at Blaugrana designet gør det for os. Designet er højst unikt og samtidig en personlig hyldest for Messi. Den har skabt blandede følelser hos mange, men vi mener helt klart at en plads i Top 10 er velfortjent.

7. Diadora DD-NA 2 Rød/Hvid/Grøn
Mens Nike, adidas og PUMA tager det meste af spotlyset, i særdeleshed hvad angår letvægtsstøvler, så går Diadora rundt og nyder deres helt egen lille niche med DD-NA 2. Diadora kom i år med en opdatering af deres letvægter og de har virkelig formået at kombinere funktionalitet med design, for at give en bundsolid og ikke mindst lidt flabet fodboldstøvler. Imponerende italiensk håndværk som ender på vores 7. plads.

6. Nike Holiday 14 Pack
Kort inden den nye sæson blev skudt igang, leverede Nike helt sikkert en af årets lækreste kollektioner. Der var ikke så meget innovativt over den, men kombinationerne af de skarpe farver i neon fik den samlede kollektion til at ligne slik lige fra din foretrukne Bland selv slik-shop. Nikes HO14 fik i hvert fald vores mundvand frem i mundvigen.

5. Nike Hypervenom SE
Hvis der var én spiller, som var i fokus ved dette års VM, så var det uden sammenligning Brasiliens guldfugl Neymar Jr. Og guldfugl gjorde Nike ham helt konkret til da de præsenterede Hypervenom SE. Designet var inspireret af historien om en ung Neymar, der spraymalede sine fodboldstøvler i guld. Historien, kombineret med det helt autentiske design imponerede os nok til at give denne støvle en 5. plads i 2014.

4. PUMA evoPOWER Tricks MB45
Åh ja, PUMA og Balotelli. Match made in heaven. Det stod vel skrevet i stjernerne da Balotelli og PUMA afslørede deres samarbejde, at der skulle komme en signaturstøvler. Og PUMA skuffede på ingen måde da de løftede sløre for deres evoPOWER Tricks MB45. EvoPOWER står absolut også frem som en af årets helt store nyheder og med denne signaturstøvle til Balotelli har PUMA bare taget det bedste af det bedste og blandet det ind i én fodboldstøvle. We love it!

3. Nike Mercurial Vapor IX CR7 Ballon d’Or
Når man bliver kåret som verdens bedste fodboldspiller, så skal man også hyldes derefter og vi må jo bare sige at Nike ramte helt plet da de sendte 100 unikke par af den gyldne Mercurial Vapor IX CR7 Ballon d’Or på gaden. Fortjener helt klart en plads i Top 3 af årets støvler.

2. Adidas Predator Instinct Accelerator (Revenge Pack)
Vi skal selvfølgelig ikke have en Top 15 liste uden en Predator Instinct. Absolut en af årets helt store oplevelser. Vi har så valgt at koble den nyeste generation sammen med en af de helt gamle for at give den en 2. plads. Vi taler selvfølgelig om adidas’ Predator Instinct Accelerator fra Revenge Pack. En kollektion som nok fik de fleste til at gennemleve hele deres barndom eller ungdom om igen.

1. Nike Mercurial Superfly CR7
Nike forstår sig på at lave signaturstøvler. Det må være konklusionen på denne Top 15 liste over årets fedeste fodboldstøvler. Først og fremmest må vi jo bare bukke og neje for Mercurial Superfly, som virkelig har taget os med storm i år. Absolut en af de mest imponerende innovationer længe. Og lige præcis denne model er jo bare indbegrebet af alt, hvad Superfly står for: Modigt, unikt, elegant og ikke mindst eksplosivt. Nike Mercurial Superfly tager titlen i Unisport-regi som Årets Fedeste Fodboldstøvle.


Således ser vores Top 15 over fodboldstøvler i 2014 ud. Det er naturligvis baseret på en smagssag, så ingen siger at denne liste er endegyldig. Derfor er du meget velkommen til at dele din mening med os og fortælle, hvilke støvler du synes har imponeret mest i år. Smid en kommentar i feltet herunder.
原始語言: 丹麥文
目標語言: 英文
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
The top 15 of the coolest football boots in 2014While we have entered into the final stage of the countdown of this year we have taken a look at what football boots which has taken our breath during the course of the year. There has been plenty to choose from and that's why we've put together a Top 15 of the coolest football boots/collections from 2014. View the list here and rate how much you agree with.15. Adidas Copa Mundial Blue/White (Samba Pack)We put out from the bottom with 15. space, and perhaps a little surprising we find here the adidas Copa Mundial. Adidas presented the year out with a somewhat brave collection by their Copa Mundial in a lot of samba colors. We think it was just in the community and, in particular, this combination of Blue/White/Orange gave us goose bumps out on tiptoe. So a well deserved 15. space for a classic.14. PUMA King Top98All Tricks concept started long before the PUMA made it to a concept this year. We all know the story of Rigobert Song who wore a pair of PUMA King back in 1998-one in red and one in yellow to match Cameroon's colors. And the ide hailed this year with a re-release of the PUMA just this combination. Both because of nostalgia but also because it just looks mega sweaty out, we take it with on our 14. space.13. Adidas 11Pro Black/OrangeWe must admit that not have been particularly 11Pro high on our list in the recent past, but with the latest generation adidas have thrown their Ambassador of elegance all in favour among the top of the POPs. With the delicious k-leather back in the game and an elegant/classic design looks 11Pro out to return to the old virtues and we are crazy about it. welcome back in top 11Pro.12. Adidas Primeknit SambaWhen adidas presented a brand new innovation by name Samba Primeknit was put up into something huge. But with a combination of a strong limit model and a functionality that is not fully played yet, got Primeknit Samba not quite the expected departure. We, however, into a 12 clamps. space since we're a sucker for designed and not least because that adidas will have points for the innovative experiments, which certainly will get strong again in 2015.11. Nike Shine Through CollectionNike's contribution of football boots this year has been nothing short of impressive and their last year was, in a sense, silo, a representative of it. Shine Through to motivate the collection was presented to all football players to shine through on the course. The design was cool, but when everything has to be taken into account then came Nike, in spite of everything, also with a similar collection last december with their Reflective Pack. So the lack of originality may not lift this collection higher than an 11. space.10. Nike Black PackJust like the concept of Shine Through was a repeat from last year, so was Nike's Black Pack it too. The cool thing about these two collections are neither black or white ever go out of fashion. So they will be a sure winner every time. And this year's Black Pack specially with Magista Obra and Mercurial Superfly Ray Liotta gave us tickles in the stomach. Therefore, lists Black into our Top 10.9. PUMA Tricks (World Cup)The struggle to stand out at the World Championships was incredibly hard and there was something extraordinary to, in order to steal a little of the limelight. PUMA has no problem with taking chances and their Tricks design was such a of slagens. That collection has PUMA's Tricks really put it through and it has definitely delivered the goods every time. We look forward to seeing what 2015 hides of Tricks designs..8. Adidas f50 Adizero Messi BlaugranaMessi has gotten a ton of signature boots this year, but we have to admit that the Blaugrana designed do it for us. The design is most unique and at the same time a personal tribute to Messi. It has created mixed feelings among many, but we think clearly that a place in the Top 10 is well deserved.7. Diadora DD-NA 2 Red/White/GreenWhile Nike, adidas and PUMA will take most of the headlines, in particular with regard to the lightweight boots, so goes the Diadora around and enjoying their very own little niche with DD-NA 2. Diadora came this year with an update of their lightweight and they have really managed to combine functionality with design, in order to provide a rock solid and not at least a little flippant football boots. Impressive Italian craftsmanship that ends up on our 7. space.6. Nike Holiday 14 PackShortly before the new season was shot in progress, Nike certainly delivered one of the year's hottest Collections. There was not so much innovative over it, but the combinations of the sharp colors of neon got the total collection to look like candy straight from your favorite Mix yourself candy-shop. Nike's HO14 got at least our mouth water speed in the corners of the mouth.5. Nike Hypervenom WATCHIf there was one player who was the focus of attention at this year's WORLD CUP, so it was easily Brazil's Gold bird Neymar Jr. And gold bird did Nike him quite specifically to then they presented Hypervenom SE. Design was inspired by the story of a young Neymar, who spray painted his football boots in gold. The story, combined with the completely authentic design impressed us enough to give this boot a 5. space in 2014.4. PUMA evoPOWER Tricks MB45Oh yes, PUMA and Balotelli. Match made in heaven. It was probably written in the stars as Balotelli and PUMA unveiled their cooperation, that there should come a signature boots. And PUMA disappointed in any way since they lifted the blur for their evoPOWER Tricks MB45. EvoPOWER is definitely also emerged as one of the year's big news and with this signature boot for Balotelli has PUMA just taken the best of the best and mixed it into one football boot. We love it!3. Nike Mercurial Vapor IX CR7 Ballon d'OrWhen one will be crowned the world's best soccer player, then you should also hailed then and we should just say that Nike hit completely stain when they sent 100 unique pairs of the Golden Mercurial Vapor IX CR7 Ballon d'Or on the street. Definitely deserves a place in the Top 3 of the year's boots.2. Adidas Predator Instinct Accelerator (Revenge Pack)Of course, we must not have a Top 15 list without a Predator Instinct. Definitely one of the year's truly great experiences. We have then chosen to uncouple the latest generation together with one of the old in order to give it a 2. space. We are talking of course about adidas ' Predator Instinct Accelerator from Revenge Pack. A collection which probably got the most to live through their entire childhood or youth again.1. Nike Mercurial Superfly CR7Nike knows how to make signature boots. It must be the conclusion of this Top 15 list of the year's coolest football boots. First and foremost, we must just bucks and curtsey for Mercurial Superfly, which has really taken us by storm this year. Definitely one of the most impressive innovations for a long time. And exactly this model is just the epitome of everything Superfly stands for: Courageous, unique, elegant and, not least, explosively. Nike Mercurial Superfly takes the title in the year under the auspices of the Coolest Unisport Football boot.ALT_TAGSo see our Top 15 over football boots in 2014 out. It is, of course, based on a matter of taste, so that no one says that this list is final. Therefore, please feel free to share your opinion with us and tell the boots you think has impressed most in years. Drop a comment in the box below.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Top 15 of the hottest football boots in 2014
while we are now into the last phase of the countdown of this year, we have taken a look at the football boots which has taken our breath in the course of the year. There has been plenty to choose from, and that is why we have put together a Top 15 of the hottest football boots/collections from 2014. See the list here and see how many you agree.

15.Adidas Copa Mundial Blue/White (Samba Pack)
we are starting from the bottom with 15. space, and perhaps a little surprising we find here adidas' Copa Mundial. Adidas did a year out with a bold collection of their Copa Mundial in a mass sambafarver. We think it was just in the cabinet, in particular this combination of Blue/White/Orange gave us goose bumps all the way out man tiptoeing along. So a well-deserved 15.Space for a classic.

14. PUMA King Top98
entire Tricks concept started long before PUMA made for a concept in years. We all know the story of Rigobert Song to bar a couple of PUMA King back in 1998 - a red and a yellow to match the colors. And the ide hailed PUMA this year with the re-release of this combination.Both because of nostalgia but also because it simply looks mega sweaty out, we take it with you on our 14th place.

13. Adidas 11Pro black/Orange
we have to admit that 11Pro has not been very high on our list of recent times, but with the latest generation adidas has thrown their ambassador of elegance in among the top of the pops.With the delicious k-leather back in games and an elegant/classic design looks 11Pro in addition to return to the old virtues and we love it. Welcome back to the top 11Pro.

12. Adidas Primeknit Samba
since adidas introduced a completely new innovation by name Primeknit Samba was set for something huge.But with a combination of a strong limit model and a functionality is not yet fully played, got Primeknit Samba not quite the expected impetus. We, however, in the terminals on a 12. place because we are a sucker for design, not least because the adidas must have points for the innovative experiments, which is certainly enough to get strong again by half by 2015.

11. Nike Shine Through Collection
Nike's contribution of football boots in the year has been nothing less than impressive and their last silo in the year was on his show a representative of it. Shine through the collection was presented to motivate all football players to shine through on the pitch. Designed was fat,But when everything is to be taken into account so that com Nike after all, also with a similar collection last December with their Reflective Pack. So the lack of originality may not raise this collection higher than a 11. place.

10. Nike Black Pack
like concept of Shine Through was a genganger from last year, it was Nike's Black Pack it also.That is great for these two collections is to either black or white ever goes out of fashion. So they will be a sure winner every time. And this year's Black Pack in particular with Magista definition and mercurial Superfly starring gave us churning in the stomach. That is why lists Black in on our Top 10.

9. PUMA Tricks (World Cup)
The fight to stand out of the World Cup was very hard and it was an extraordinary, to steal a bit of the limelight. PUMA has no problem with taking risks and their Tricks design was such a of slagens. That collection has PUMA's Tricks really put themselves through and it has absolutely delivered the goods every time. We look forward to seeing what 2015 save on designs of Tricks..

8.F50 Adidas Adizero Messi Blaugrana
Messi has been a wealth of signaturstøvler in years, but we have to admit that Blaugrana designed do it for us. Design is more than unique and at the same time a personal tribute for Messi. It has created mixed feelings among many, but we strongly believe that a place in the top ten are well deserved.

7. Diadora boasts DD-NA 2 Red/White/Green
while Nike,Adidas and PUMA takes most of the spotlight, in particular with regard to letvægtsstøvler Diadora boasts, so go around and enjoy their very own small niche with DD-NA 2. Diadora boasts came this year with an update on their lightweight and they have really succeeded in combining functionality with design, to provide a rock-solid and not at least a little cheeky football boots.Impressive Italian crafts that ends in our 7TH place.

6. Nike Holiday 14 Pack
map before the new season was shot in progress, delivered Nike certainly one of this year's coolest collections. There was not so much of the innovative, but the combinations of the crisp colors in neon signs, the total collection to look like sweets straight from your favorite mix even sweets shop.Nike's HO14 was at least our their mouth watering in mundvigen.

5. Nike Hypervenom SEE
if there was one player, as were the focus of this year's World Cup, so it was without comparison of Brazil guldfugl Neymar Jr. And guldfugl did Nike him specifically when you introduced Hypervenom see. Design was inspired by the story of a young Neymar, spraymalede its football boots in gold. The story,Combined with the fully authentic design impressed us enough to give this boot a 5TH place in 2014.

4. PUMA evoPOWER Tricks MB45
Oh yes, PUMA and Balotelli. Match made in heaven. It was well written in the stars since Balotelli and PUMA revealed their cooperation that there was to be a signaturstøvler. And PUMA disappointed in no way as it lifted the mask for their evoPOWER Tricks MB45.EvoPOWER is certainly one of this year's big news, and with this signaturstøvle to Balotelli PUMA just have taken the best of the best and mixed it into one fodboldstøvle. We love it!

3. Nike mercurial Vapor IX CR7 Ballon d'Or
when one is named the world's best footballer,You must then also hailed then and we must simply say that Nike affected spot because they sent 100 unique pairs of the golden mercurial Vapor IX CR7 Ballon d'Or on the street. Clearly deserves a place in the top three of the year's boots.

2. Adidas Predator Instinct Accelerator (Revenge Pack)
we must, of course, does not have a Top 15 list without a Predator Instinct. Certainly one of this year's great experiences.So we have chosen to connect the latest generation together with one of the very old to give it a 2nd place. We are talking of course about adidas' Predator Instinct Accelerator from Revenge Pack. A collection of enough, the majority of them to endure throughout their childhood or youth again.

1. Nike mercurial Superfly CR7
Nike understand to make signaturstøvler.That must be the conclusion of this Top 15 list of this year's hottest football boots. First and foremost, we must simply stands and grovelling for mercurial Superfly, which really has taken us by storm this year. Certainly one of the most impressive innovations too long. And just this model is just an epitome of everything Superfly stands for: courageous, unique, stylish and not least explosive.Nike mercurial Superfly takes the title in Unisport-level as the year's hottest new Fodboldstøvle.


so look our Top 15 of football boots in 2014. It is, of course, based on a matter of taste, so that no one says that this list is final. That is why you are very welcome to share your opinion with us and tell us what you think boots has impressed most of the year. Throw a comment in the box below.
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