Udfyld en blanket om din deltagelse i undervisning
Jeg skriver til dig, fordi du ønsker at deltage i undervisning samtidig med, at
du får dagpenge. Som hovedregel kan du ikke få dagpenge, mens du følger
undervisning, men der er dog nogle undtagelser fra reglen. Det er derfor
vigtigt, at du, inden du starter på undervisningen, får vores tilladelse til at
følge undervisningen og fortsat få dagpenge.
Jeg vil derfor bede dig udfylde blanketten Erklæring om deltagelse i
undervisning (AK 020). Du finder blanketten, når du er logget på aka.dk, her
kan du også vedhæfte den i en besked til os.
Du skal også vedhæfte dokumentation for undervisningens karakter og
omfang fra skolen.
Husk, du skal også give dit lokale jobcenter besked, når du deltager i
Du er velkommen til at ringe til os, hvis du har spørgsmål. Du kan også søge
flere oplysninger på aka.dk. Eller du kan sende en besked til os, når du er
logget på.
Venlig hilsen
Svetlana Divljakovic
Bilag: Reglerne for hvilke typer uddannelse du må følge samtidig med, at du
får dagpenge.
Fill out a form about your participation in teachingI am writing to you because you want to participate in education while at the same timeyou get per diems. As a general rule, you will not be able to get a daily allowance while you followteaching, but there are some exceptions to the rule. It is, therefore,important to you before you begin teaching, get our permission tofollow the teaching and continue to get benefits.I would therefore ask you to fill out the form "Declaration of participation inteaching (AK 020). You will find the form, when you are logged on to aka.dk, hereYou can also attach it in a message to us.You must also attach evidence of the nature of teaching andextent from the school.Remember, you must also give your local job centre message, when you participate inteaching.You are welcome to call us if you have any questions. You can also searchmore information on aka.dk. Or you can send a message to us, when you arelogged on.Best regardsSvetlana DivljakovicAnnex: Rules for what types of training you must follow while youget a daily allowance.

Fill out a form about your participation in education
I write to you, because you want to take part in education, while
you get allowances. As a general rule, you do not get per diem, as you follow
education, but there are, however, some exceptions to the rule. It is therefore important that you
, before you start in education, get our permission to
Follow the training and will continue to make allowances.
I would therefore ask you fill out the form Statement of participation in
education (AK 020). You can find the form, when you are logged on to aka.dk, here
you can also attach it to a message to us.
you must also attach documentation for the nature and extent of school
Remember, you must also provide your local job center notifies you when you participate in
you are welcome to call us if you have any questions. You can also search
more information on aka.dk. Or you can send a message to us, when you are logged in
Kind regards
Svetlana Divljakovic
Annex: the rules for the types of training you must follow while you
get allowances.