hello lauwe just wanted to inform you that your order is packed and shipped from our warehouse in copenhagen. you will receive further information from fragtselskabet as soon as your package has arrived at their pakkecenter, and later up to delivery.if you have chosen the gathering, can your order now removed in our shop on rådhusstræde number 7, and we, we ask you to ignore the above.if you should have any questions you can always contact us online @ rezetstore.dk or on phone 3391 1818if the size does not fit, or you want to return your order, it can both be done by sending it back to rådhusstræde 7 st th. 1466 copenhagen k or by themselves to return it in our store to the same address.good day._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _yours sincerely / best regardsteam rezet copenhagen# teamrezettlf: + 45 3391 1818e-mail: online @ rezetstore.dkrezetstore.dkfacebook.com / rezetstoreinstagram.com / rezetstorerezet sneaker largerådhusstræde 7 st thdk - 1466 copenhagen kcvr: dk29614482.