vil starte alle de PUB930 processer der ikke allerede er kørende. Batch-jobbene for PUB930 og PUB940 er designet til automatisk at stoppe en manuelt startet process. Stoppet vil dog fejle hvis processen er startet af en forkert bruger
will start all the PUB930 processes are not already running Batch jobs for. PUB930 and PUB940 is designed to automatically stop a manually started process. However, will fail if the process is stopped, started by a wrong user
To start all the PUB930 processes is not already running. batch jobs for PUB930 and PUB940 is designed to automatically stop a manually initiated process. The stop will fail if the process is started by a wrong use
To start all the PUB930 processes that are not already running. Batch jobs for PUB930 and PUB940 is designed to automatically stop a manually-started process. Stop will fail, however, if the process is started by a wrong user