Svendborg Dækcenter ApS blev i juni 2002 etableret af søskendeparret J的英文翻譯

Svendborg Dækcenter ApS blev i juni

Svendborg Dækcenter ApS blev i juni 2002 etableret af søskendeparret Jannika og Thorsten Simonsen, der begge henholdsvis havde 9 og 11 års erfaring indenfor dækbranchen. Vi startede op i lejede lokaler på Norgesvej i en 400 kvm. Hal.

Vi startede op med én medarbejder, og efter en måned startede én mere.

Vi fik en rigtig god start, og fik skabt en god stabil kundekreds. Pladsen blev hurtigt for trang, dæk lå i aflåste containere og på værkstedet fra gulv til loft. Medarbejderstaben var nået op på 7 mand i 2007, vi måtte gøre noget!

Vi valgte i 2007 at købe en byggegrund på Englandsvej 10 på 7000 kvm, og derefter gå i gang med at bygge vores eget ”gummi” værksted. Med hjælp fra byggerådgivere fik vi lagt en plan, og byggeriet kunne slås i gang d. 1. februar 2007.

Der var ikke et øje tørt. Den 1. september slog vi dørene op til et nyt lyst og venligt dækcenter på 1500 kvm. Drømmen var gået i opfyldelse!! Den 6. oktober holdte vi et brag af en reception, hvor over 400 mennesker mødte op, til en uforglemmelig dag med fest og farver. En dag vi vil se tilbage på, med et glimt i øjet.
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Svendborg Dækcenter ApS was established in June 2002 by siblings paired Jannika and Thorsten Simonsen, who both had respectively 9 and 11 years of experience in the tyre industry. We started up in rented premises at Norgesvej in a 400 sq.m. HAL. We started up with one employee, and after a month started one more. We got a really good start, and had created a good stable customer base. The square quickly became too cramped, tires lay in locked containers and in the workshop from floor to ceiling. The number of staff was reached on 7 man in 2007, we had to do something! We selected in 2007 to buy a building plot on Englandsvej 10 at 7000 sqm, and then begin to build our own "rubber" workshop. With the help of construction consultants we got down to a plan, and construction could be switched in time (d). 1. February 2007. There was not a dry eye. The 1. September we open the doors to a new beat light and friendly dækcenter on 1500 sqm. The dream had come true!! The 6. October, we held a bang of a reception where over 400 people showed up, for an unforgettable day of partying. One day we will look back on, with a twinkle in his eye.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Svendborg Dækcenter Ltd. was established in June 2002 by the siblings Jannika and Thorsten Simonsen, both of which respectively had 9 and 11 years of experience in the tire industry. We started up in rented premises at Norgesvej in a 400 sqm. Hal. We started with one employee, and after a month started one more. We got a really good start, and had created a good steady clientele. The site quickly became too small tires was in locked containers and the workshop from floor to ceiling. The team had reached 7 man in 2007, we had to do something! We chose in 2007 to buy a plot of Englandsvej 10 of 7,000 sqm, and then begin to build our own "rubber" workshop. With the help of our building consultants, we got a plan, and construction could be turned off d. 1 February 2007. There was not a dry eye. On September 1, we beat the doors to a new bright and friendly tire center of 1,500 sqm. The dream had come true !! On October 6, we held a bump of a desk where over 400 people showed up to an unforgettable day of partying. One day we will look back on with a twinkle in his eye.

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
svendborg dækcenter aps was in june 2002 established by søskendeparret jannika and torsten simonsen, both respectively had 9 and 11 years of experience in the tire business. we started up in rented premises at norgesvej in a 400 square meters. hal.

we started up with one employee, and after a month started one more.

we got a very good start, and had created a good stable customer base.the parking lot was quick to urge, cover lay in locked containers and in the workshop from floor to ceiling. the team had reached 7 man in 2007, we had to do something!

we chose in 2007 to buy a plot of land at englandsvej 10 of 7000 square meters, and then start to build our own "rubber" workshop. with the help of byggerådgivere we had a plan and construction could fight in time d 1.february 2007.

there was not a dry eye. the 1. september, we open the doors to a new bright and friendly dækcenter of 1500 square meters. the dream had come true! . 6. october we had one hell of a reception, where over 400 people showed up for a memorable day with party and colors. one day we'll look back on with a twinkle in his eye.
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